Round Table Northern Cape
Round Table Northern CapeRound Table Northern CapeRound Table Northern CapeRound Table Northern CapeRound Table Northern CapeRound Table Northern CapeRound Table Northern CapeRound Table Northern CapeRound Table Northern CapeRound Table Northern Cape

Welcome to the Northern Cape Round Table

Round Table is an organization for young men, between the ages of 18 and 40. It was founded in 1927 in Norwich, Great Britain by a Rotarian called Louis Marchesi. Round Table was brought to Southern Africa in 1951 by Dr David Smith. The first club was established in East London but it soon expanded to other major cities with clubs quickly being chartered in all parts of Southern Africa.

Round Table is a non-denominational, nonpolitical, nonracial organization for young professional men.

The aim is to bring young men together in a social environment, where they can become friends, network their business interests and assist the disadvantaged by combining their skills. Members will be exposed to some learned individuals, who are willing to share their knowledge with like-minded young men. They will be molded by mentors into better versions of themselves. They will be taught valuable skills such as, public speaking, project management, accounting skills and will hone his leadership skills.

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